Kit Krugman

Kit Krugman built and leads the Organization & Culture Design at co:collective, a creative & strategic transformation consultancy. She has led transformation initiatives from big companies to big causes: she has worked with fast growing start ups, leading technology giants like IBM, LinkedIn, and Microsoft and social justice and gender equity non-profits like the Lower East Side Girls Club and WIN:Women in Innovation.

Kit is a frequent speaker and writer on topics of future-facing organization design and transformation. She has been published in Quartz, INC, Fast Company, and the Huffington Post and spoken at DisruptHR, Talent2030, and Adobe’s 99U on numerous topics including women in leadership, new organizational models, building a culture of innovation and diversity, equity & inclusion in the workplace.

Kit holds a M.A. in Organizational Psychology & Change Leadership from Columbia University, a B.A. in Literature and Studio Art from Yale University and is a certified yoga teacher. She is the former President of and now serves on the board of WIN:Women in Innovation. She also serves on the People + Culture committee on the board of Wateraid North America.